Monday, October 4, 2010

Officially closed

As my training has ended, this blog will be officially end and will not be updated.

However the blog will not be closed for reference purposes.

Visit my other personal blog :

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cumulative log - Monday 31 May 2010

10.00am – I came to the office. Although the outside door is open, the inside door is locked, thus I can’t enter.
10.30am – My co-worker Jason came. We then enter the office.
I remember last time that Mr Micheal asks me to add more props to my interior castle scene. I decided to use a plane attached with picture to save time. I search the net for several picture of statue.
Around 1.30pm – I go out to lunch
Around 2.00pm – I’m back to the office.
Suddenly, Ms Winny called my co-worker Jason. She asks us to come to the ground floor to pick up new sets of computer from Mr Micheal car.
Once we picked the item, we bring it to the office. Then we open up the boxes and install the pieces until the PC ready to be used. While I finish my job, Jason continue by installing some software to those PCs.

I continue working on the scene. The picture of statue that I get from the net needed to be cleaned before I can use it on the plane. I need to erase the background and save it as PNG where the alpha channel is stored. The alpha channel is used for the plane to register the shape of the statue. If I didn’t use the alpha channel, the plane will look square and will not follow the shape of the statue.
I add a plane of vase and chandelier light to the scene.
Around 4.00pm – I tweak the lighting of the interior castle to get as realistic as possible.

Around 6.00pm - I have finish render the test scene. Now its time to render the animation. The animation consists of camera move and zooming into a place where the character should be.

Around 7.30pm -The render isnt finish yet, and there is still about 50minutes remaining. Mr Micheal give permission to dismiss while leaving the computer on.

Cumulative log - Thursday 27 May 2010

10.00am – I came to the office.

I continue working on the scene that I left yesterday. It was the castle door. I was supposed to make it as grand as possible. I try to tweak the texture placement by using UVW map modifier in 3Ds Max.
1.00pm – I go out to lunch with my friend Azlan again, but this time I bring my co-worker Khabi along.
2.00pm – We go back from lunch.

After a few more tweaks, I render out the castle door. I’ve satisfied. I then start to work on the next scenery/background which is the castle interior.

To get more idea on the castle interior, I gather a few picture of castle, chapels and Taj Mahal
5.00pm – I try to positioned the lighting for the castle interior as realistic as possible. I continuosly adjust and render again and again to get the best lighting as possible.

Around 6.30pm – Mr micheal came to take a look of my work. He told me that the background that I made was okay, but I need to add more props to the scene.

Around 7.30pm – We dismiss.

Tommorow 28 May 2010 – Wesak day.

Cumulative log - Wednesday 26 Mei 2010

10.00am – I’ve came to the office. Unfortunately the office is still not open.

Around 10.20am – Ms Winny informed me by phone that Mr Micheal is on the way to the office.

Around 10.40am – Mr Micheal came to the office. After Mr Micheal open up the office door, he then give me the key card so that I can use it when I want to go out for lunch.
I then continue working on the castle scene.

Around 11.00am – Mr Micheal go out from the office.
To increase realism in my render, I try to render a Ambient Occlusion pass, where it creates a grayscale output that is dark areas where light cannot reach while bright areas where it can.
This requires me to override all the object material into Ambient Occlusion material. Thanks to mental ray, this was easy as there is a function called material override where I just put the material I want, and all of the object will use the requested material.
After final checking, I then hit render.

I then turned on my next desk computer to continue on other things while the render running on my PC.
Around 1.30pm – I go out to lunch.

Around 2.10pm – I’m back to the office.

The render are still running. On the other computer, I search pictures for my castle door reference.
Around 5.00pm – I start building my castle door. Just like the castle itself, I use loft and Boolean method to get the shape that I want. I continue looking at the reference picture while building the door.

Around 7.30pm – Ms Winny dismiss me by phone. They still didn’t back to the office yet.

Cumulative log - Tuesday 25 Mei 2010

10.00am – I came to the office.

I then come to Ms Winny office and asks permission to come back to the office late after lunch because I need to go to back. I told her that if I go out to lunch at 1.00pm, I might be back around 2.30pm. She told me that she will give the decision wheter to let me out early so I can go back to the office early or just let me go as what I’ve planned.

Back to my desk, I take a look of my yesterday render. Unfortunately it only renders halfway. The total length of the scene is 5 second but it renders only for about 3 second. I then re-check the settings and found out that I wrongly set the time range of the renders.
Although is that, it is still okay as I found out a few errors that only shows up in the render but not on the 3D scene. I quickly patch up the problems and re-render the remaining scene.
Around 1.00pm – Ms Winny told me that I can go as I’ve planned. I then go to the bank to settle a few things.
Around 2.30pm –I’m back at the office. Ms Winny and Mr Micheal are not in the office. According to my co-worker Khabi, they go out to take the company van from Kepong to here. They will have shooting tomorrow so they need to prepare the camera and props today.

My renders meanwhile are still running. I then turned on the computer next to my desk and try to do something else. I decided to research more pictures of castles that can be used as a reference for the scene that I’m currently working on.

Around 4.00pm – My co-worker Khabi and Jason go out for the shooting preparation. Only Ms Winny and me left in the office.

Around 6.00pm – Ms Winny told me that she needs to go out for other business related to tomorrow shooting. I’m the only one left in the office.

Around 7.30pm – Ms Winny give me permission to dismiss by phone.

Cumulative log - Monday 24 Mei 2010

10.00am – I’ve come to the office
I check for visiting lecturer list. Last week, Pn Aliza emailed us about this, but for the whole last week the list still not being uploaded onto the site. Today, the list is now up. I download the list. I found that my visiting lecturer will be Pn Asma. The only thing I know is that she is a lecturer in System and Networking department and teaches’ Advance Operating System’ subjects.

I’ve noticed that my classmate Azlan is taking his intern at ‘Persada Plus’, just besides my building. I then give him a call, and arrange a meeting at this coming lunch.

I then continue working on the castle.

1.00pm – I go out to lunch.
2.00pm – I’ve back from lunch.

After I modeled the tower for the castle, I continue tweaking the lighting. I add few more spot lights, aiming at the top of the mountain to simulate bright sun on them. I also tweak the texture UV map and placing plain billboard trees around the castle.

Around 6.30pm – I’m focusing on placing the camera and animating it.  I start to render a few test scenes of the castle and its surroundings.

Around 7.30pm – After I set up the camera animation, It’s time to render the scene. It take about 23 hours to render, so I’ve asked Mr Micheal permission to leave my computer on. He approved it.

We then dismissed.

Cumulative log - Friday 21 May 2010

10.00am – I arrive at the office.
By referring to the sketch that I’ve made yesterday, I start to develop the castle basic shapes. I start by using simple shape such as cylinder and hemisphere.
While developing, I opened up 3Dsmax architectural book as a reference on developing the castle. In here, I learn how to use ‘Loft’ tools, which is pretty handy. We need to draw a spline of 2D shape that we want to make, and another spline for its thickness, height and shape of the borders. The origin of the ‘Loft’ words comes from the machine that spins while we create a shape of vase using clay.
I also use Boolean tool to cut thru the polygon to create shapes such as an arch.

1.30pm – I go out to lunch.
2.10pm – I’m back at the office.
I continue working on the castle.

Around 5.00pm – I asked my co-worker Jason his opinion regarding the castle model that I’ve made. He advises me a few thing such as the color of the dome, and also asks me to add a few towers around the castle.

Around 7.00pm – Mr Micheal check on my work. He told me that the castle looks small like a bungalow house. He also advise me a few things. One that I can remember is about comparisons of size, where if I want to make something look bigger, I must show something that we normally see it big such as trees, a whole lot smaller than the building. That way we can perceive the viewer eyes telling that the building is really big.

Around 7.40pm – We dismiss.